““Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”


— Carl Jung, Psychiatrist

My Background

I have been working as a Therapist and Executive Coach for over 15 years, using an integrative and pragmatic approach. I believe self-awareness is important, but so is behavioural change, and crucially, adopting tools and habits to maintain this positive change . Of equal importance is the connection between mind and body. By helping you understand how your thoughts, emotions and behaviours are connected to your physiological experiences, and teaching you techniques to self regulate this connection, you can develop a greater sense of empowerment and control over your life. My work with you is focused on equipping you with strategies to boost resilience and maintain flexibility in the face of life’s challenges. This will fundamentally shift how you cope with adversity and transitions, as well as helping you harness insights to create new positive mindset habits: skills conducive to personal transformation and long term health benefits.

As a UK Chartered Psychologist, I am trained and experienced in a number of approaches (namely Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Somatic Therapy, Breathwork and Autogenic Training) and we will work together to find the best way to help support you on your personal growth journey. 


I received a Bachelor of Arts in English (BAHons) from Oxford University and a Masters in Occupational Psychology (MSc) from City University, London. I am a Chartered Psychologist, registered with the Health Professions Council UK (HCPC) and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS). I am a member of the Coaching Psychology division of the BPS, and my certification in Coaching (PGDip) and qualifications in a range of Psychometric tools (MBTI, Hogan Suite, Saville WAVE, SHL Occupational Personality) supports me in my work with Business and Organisations, helping leaders to unlock insights and capacities that generate growth.

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